Types of Extraordinary Packages

Four Types of Extraordinary Packages

Jumpstart your extraordinary life

Up to 5 weeks coaching sessions

The shortest intensive program. Customised to your specific needs to accelerate and achieve an immediate short term objective. Such as getting an interview and acing it, creating an online dating profile, etc.

Stepping into the extraordinary

12 weeks

  • Once a week individual coaching sessions
  • Personalized key focus concepts that help you catapult your process
  • Goal attainment log
  • Recommended for short term goals

Recommended for short term goals. Such as, if you are having a hard time getting off the ground and are 100% committed to achieving an objective in the short term. Or you want to kick start a new idea, change a habit, discover your life passion, start dating, prepare for a promotion/ a new job, clarify and powerfully align your goals and objectives with what really matters to you. Widen perspectives and explore what you want to focus on, what you’re passionate about, where you find yourself getting stuck, and which structures, practices, and timeframes will support you in achieving those results. You’ll leave these sessions with a new freedom and having taken steps toward what you’re out to accomplish throughout your life.

Your most extraordinary life

24 weeks

  • Once a week individual coaching sessions
  • Personalized key focus concepts that help you catapult your process
  • Goal attainment log
  • Recommended for longer term goals or periods of major transitioning

Career change not just a job change, but a new occupational focus. Geographical move across country or continents requires new social and communication skills. Minimize transition challenges and be quickly and easily recognized as the extraordinary person you are. Relationship beginnings after a long period of being single takes an adjustment in who we are being in order to accept and welcome love again into our life. After a break up of a long term relationship healing needs to take place, grieving for the loss of what we felt could once be and creating a new beginning.

Successfully extraordinary

52 weeks
  • Once a week individual coaching sessions
  • Personalized key focus concepts that help you catapult your process
  • Goal attainment log
  • Recommended for the extraordinarily successful person.

Going beyond the ordinary everyday into your most extraordinary self. Ebbs and flows within the extraordinary life. Continuously be the creator of your most extraordinary life taking each moment in enjoyment and trusting in the perfection of life.